Our name is sacred energy

A name. A vibration.

We are vibrational beings and our name is also a vibration.

Numerology studies vibrations. That doesn’t tell you much, right? (smiles)

When we ask ourselves ‘’who am I’’, we usually don’t thing about our name. Yet, all the information we could use, is there.

So, let’s talk about this for a second. It’s important to never lose sight of who we are. Always be you. If you feel lost, or maybe dislocated, stuck in something, alone, abandoned, tired or even ill, take a moment to reflect your past. The pain was there to teach you something. Did you learn?

Our name is our signature. It tells who we are. We are not brave, because our name says so – our name describes the courage, because it is our trade.

Our name is the very definition of us – to the Universe.

They say we chose our parents before we were born. Spiritual numerology goes even further – we chose our name, so its vibration could support us.

When we change the name, we add a vibration. We never erase the name, given to us at birth. So, if you were thinking, ‘’I am shy, I will change my name and this way I will solve that problem’’ – think again. When we are shy, and change our name to the equivalent of ‘Superman’, what we do is, we say to the Universe; ˝I became strong as the Superman. Hit me.˝ Oh, and it will. The vibration of your new name will call upon situations you are not ready for.

Many times, I witness, ladies changing last name with marriage, actually balancing their energy. In my experience (and I have been professionally at this for over 10 years) is that those marriages that balance the energy of the Missis, last long time and are happy ones. Those that actually destroy the balance of bride’s name don’t bring true happiness. Even when considering changing your name (not by getting married) it is wise to calculate it first. The power of the name is not to be taken lightly.


It’s all about the balance.

Now, can your Life, can You be in balance if you try to be something other than you?

Can you breathe, if you are not you? When a certain person influences you to be something you are not, is that good for you? And, please keep in mind, we are also influenced when we would like to be as cool as someone, and we act as our role model, yet we are not that way our selves.

Anything BUT who we are, brings misbalance. What to do when you feel you don’t know you? There are so many tools available, not just numerology; there is astrology, Tarot, Jotis, etc etc

If you don’t feel that inner peace, please, do something about it. It’s up to you, and You alone. You know why? Because YOU matter. Each and every soul on this beautiful Mother Earth matters.

Your name is sacred energy. It’s your sacred energy. Be proud of your name, regardless of your ethnic background. The power of the name has no label. Your family name (more commonly called surname or last name) is legacy of your ancestors. Respect it.

If you live in a community that, let’s say, does not welcome Mexican people, and your last name is something like ‘’Sanchez’’, please be proud of who you are. You know, people that are racist or nationalist say more about themselves than they do about you. However, it is who you are, and be proud of it. There will be people that will love you for it.

Stand with dignity. It is for your fathers & your father’s fathers you do so. And for your own children. 

Now, let’s talk about living up to your name.

It is Native American tradition to receive four names. The first comes at birth, the second during the childhood, the third on becoming an adult, and the last as an elder. Each name is given before the corresponding time of life, so people have the opportunity to live up to their names. By age five of six, a child will grasp that concept, so everyone from elders down to young children seek to live up to their names, and in that way our entire society strives to live up to its name.

(taken from: Where white man fear to tread, by Russell Means – pilamayaye Wanbli Ohitika)

So, you see, there are many traditions and a lot of ancient wisdom to be discovered, yet there is only one you. So, be you, for you are unique.

How can you raise your vibration? How can you do good for all humankind, for our beautiful planet, our Mother Earth? By complaining, by being a victim, by being ashamed of you or by seeking flaws instead of encouraging your strength? I don’t think so – do you?

Believe in you.  I do.

So, what’s your name again?

November: Emotions versus the Mind – the battle of a lifetime

Las emociones versus la mente - la batalla de toda la vida. noviembre november numerology lili sorum month mes emozions versus mind

Emotions versus the Mind – the battle of a lifetime.

The mind usually opposes the intuition, doesn’t it? Well, get ready, during November our mind, emotions and intuitive insights will have a blast contradicting themselves.

Our spiritual self will be ‘denied’ by our Ego self. November, being a number 11, brings out the strong energy of the 1, which is ˝it’s all about me, myself & I˝.  Egocentric necessities of course, will be in conflict with more spiritual principles. In fact, 11 is a Mater number in numerology and stands for high intuition and symbolizes a spiritual Messenger.

Intuition is our best friend. But – do we actually listen to it?

Reading spiritual books and articles we come upon a saying: ˝for my highest Divine good˝. During the month of November we will be challenged to go beyond the Ego thoughts and stop focusing on It’s all about me energy. We need to understand the unity of the creation that we as a world are. So, challenges we face, force us to dive into a new concept: ˝for the highest Divine good of all involved˝.


WARNING: stormy times ahead!

For a while, life will seem very black and white. With all the shades of grey popping up all the time.

Our perception is the one that matters. So, if you see something as black, to you it’s black and that is your Truth. However, other people may see it as navy blue. That is their Truth. We need to respect other people’s Truth, and not try to be right all the time. Easier said than done, right? We will try to determine which is good and which is bad. Fells like Cinderella all over again.

The one thing we need to keep under control is our imagination. What we imagine, we feel as true in that moment. Always keep in mind that imagination can work in both ways, productive or destructive. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Imagination is many times the mother of feelings. And we know feelings will have a blast during this month, making the mind go crazy.

There is no white without the black. Remember, You create the entire color spectrum in between black and white. Emotional reaction to a thought is what defines something as + or -.

Emotions are the result of our expectations, beliefs, which are just a bunch of thoughts. If you perceive something as bad, wrong or unjust, it hurts us. Think for a moment. There are millions of different habits and norms around the world. There are many different ways of life. Accept it. Don’t judge it. Don’t try to be right. That is the Ego. And trust me when I say, Ego will want to have his say in every matter during the November.

Fear is a strong force. Imagination when fear driven is much like it was high on drugs. When fear kicks in, imagination works overtime. Jealousy is just one example. The need to possess, the fear of losing, the need to be the one – and many more egocentric patterns trigger jealousy and wise versa. So, keep your imagination under control, or it will party like it’s 1999.

Examine your own expectations; maybe what you expect is not what you wish for? Maybe when you get what you want, you find yourself still unhappy. It’s not what you imagined it to be. It happens, we are humans.

Opposites attract they say. If you think that’s true, than, allow me to go Dr. Phil on you: what are you actually attracted to? Would you like to be more not-you? Do you have a desire to be the opposite of yourself? You are what YOU make of Yourself, so – if that’s the case – do something about it.

Life is a journey. It can be an amazing experience. It’s a rainbow. The real magic is to feel every shade of it.



Homework for Your personal development:

  • Do you know yourselves enough to know what is good for you?

  • You are a part of a whole, of Oneness. Identify all parts of yourself, the black and the white ones

  • What would you like to change about yourself? How will you achieve this?


With Love, MiTaKuYe oYaSiN,

LiLi SoRuM



How to cut out the crap & the Past?

lili sorum ¿cómo cortar los lasos?

We separate from what no longer serves us.

Now, let’s take for example a pattern we carry within, which may be rooted in our childhood. How do you cut that off?

Allow me to ask you a question: are you still that helpless child? Actually, tell me: do you know of a child who feels helpless?

A child believes in himself. He believes in Life. A child perceives Life as limitless.
We were born believing everything is possible. For children there is no such thing as ‘the impossible’.
When I was a kid, I wanted to have farm animals in an apartment building. My response to my mother, who of course, was shaking her head & enjoying my fantasy imaginations as a joke, was: ‘it is not true that it’s impossible – just admit you do not want it’’. In my head, it was of course all feasible (piglets in the bathtub, a horse on the balcony, chickens & hens under the dining table – and this is only a draft of it all.)

You smiled?

Now, seriously – if we don’t believe it as possible, it will not be addressed. A child believes. A child wants to try. Yes, try the things he is interested in HIMSELF, not what parents want him to do (for example, to eat the salad). Often we don’t have the broader vision of how what we wish for would actually look like … chicken under the table probably wouldn’t make me happy, right?

A child perceives itself as almighty & Life as a limitless gift.

It’s the disappointments & bad experiences that transform us and later on in life awaken a sense of helplessness (for example, no chickens are under the dining table).

What kind of a child were you? How did your parents & surroundings behave towards you? Have you been encouraged, supported or ignored, put down? And why are you acting like you’re still that kid TODAY?

You are an adult. INDEPENDENT. Today I can have chickens under my dining table, because there is not ‘mom’ to say I can’t. So, it’s my decision and my choice.
Everything is our decision and a choice. When we decide it’s over – it’s over. However, certain changes need time to be realized. I can choose this moment to have 3 hens, but they will not materialize from the thin air – I would have to go to the farmer.

Allow me to use this feathery example: D

Recall the dreams that didn’t come true when you were a child. If you determine that the dream you had, is in fact something so important that would make you happy – that is saying  you still want this – why do not you do something about it?  Or do you?

Our parents did the best they could. There is no mother on this world, who said: ‘’oh, I’m gonna totally suppress my kid, for the fun of it’’. A child can perceive certain educational measures as oppression, but believe me that our parents believed it to be the best for us. Today you are not a child. Why are you acting like that same mom with a belt in her hands is standing over you?

And then the most common answer: ‘it is difficult.’
So what !!

Is a life full of restrictions easy?? Is holding on to the fear, unaddressed longing, pain, memories and wounds easy? Please be aware those all is a decision we make. Memory is a thought that rotates in our mind. I’m not particularly inclined to reminisce chemistry lessons or visits to the dentist … and yes, it is mush alike those memories we harbor. You choose what you think and what you do about it.

Where do you channel your energy and why? Where does your focus lie?
When you become aware of a memory or a thought – ask yourself: is it welcomed? No? In that case, simply say: ‘’Dear thought, nice of you to drop by (again), I hope you’re well. Now, I want to wave goodbye to you and wish you a happy journey.’’ Then force yourself to think something else. Read a book, if nothing else works.

YOU and only You are the master of your Life.


With Love, MiTaKuYe oYaSiN

LiLi SoRuM

and You?


Astrology wise: Lunar Eclipse likes to bring out the hidden & suppressed.

Numerology wise: today’s date is an intense combination of numbers: 8 – 10 (Month) – 7 (2014)

Life wise: The only Truth that matters is Yours. Our Truth shapes our Reality. What You think You are, shapes Who you are. I may perceive you as a strong person, but it doesn’t mean anything, if you don’t. When you don’t accept yourself as such, no matter what the facts may be, you will feel weak and therefor, you will be less confident & active.

Now, why in God’s name, we ask, would anyone prefer to be weak.. and ignore his/her own strength? Sometimes it’s just easier that way – no need to take on the responsibility, no need to change, no need to try something new & unknown. No need to dare. Mostly, it’s for lack of taking the time to look within. We are so caught up in gossip magazines, telenovelas – hence: other people’s lives, instead on focusing on our own. We tend to think more about what we think our boyfriend should do, than we do about ourselves (well, if not focusing on that new bra for example LOL). It’s easier to focus & analyze someone else, instead of recognizing our weak points.

Life is about CREATING. So, observe what emerges from within you. Not only cause you read it in your horoscope or someplace online. Not only today. Every moment of your life is a gift. Every thought you nurture, projects into the Future. Every thought you nurture becomes your Truth… and ya know what – could it be, oh my God, you are wrong??

Each of us is a whole being – black and white, left and right. Accept yourself fully. Look within to shine, then do not be afraid to let that light shine to all that you come in contact with. You have something to offer that no one else around you does, in the special way that only you do it. Step outside your comfort zone. It is then and only then, that you can realize that yes, you are a special light that is important to others.

Shine. Like a full Moon does. No good in being ‘eclipsed’.

Look within to allow your Light to shine.


October 8th, 2014

October: Cutting of bonds that burden us & being more decisive.

lili sorum numerologia numerology october

October: Cutting of bonds that burden us & being more decisive.

Life lies before us. Determination. Power. New beginnings. Courage. Yes, it’s time to move ahead.

The energy of the Universe supports progress and active approach – use it to step forward as far as possible. Do you know what your mission, purpose, goal and desire is? What are your dreams? What were your childhood dreams? What do you want to achieve in life? Would you kindly define who you are and where are you headed? And: When did you last ‘’update’’ those goals, dreams? Life breathes, we change; and so do our desires & intentions. Fast-paced lifestyle can quickly make us forget to dream, daydream or even know what our dreams were/are. Are they referred to ‘’irrelevant for now’’, cause we have more important projects at hand. … So, when is the appropriate time? When old & grey?

If our dreams are not important enough to at least define them, think about them, and give them some attention – what do you think: will they come true?

Think for a moment … if we do not know exactly what we want, how are we to recognize it? If you’ve never given it any thought, consideration or possibility, it can be served to you in abundance, yet you will not notice it as interesting. If we are close minded, stuck in a routine, something awesome can fall on our heads, yet we will continue with the usual. We all need time to relax, time to regroup & time to allow our imagination to FLY & HAVE FUN. Dream, you just might catch your dreams.


Be opened minded. Be opened to different. And never let go of your dreams.
A word on dreams including other people – everyone has a free will. If you wish to spend your life with someone or do a project, and that person is not into it – seek the vibration of that person (in someone else). We are drawn to energy we feel is safe and similar to ours.

Be consistent. Be true to yourself. Now go – catch your dreams.

Numerology stuff: Number 10 is a karmic number. It indicates end of a negative Karma cycle and a new beginning. You should feel lighter & freer.  We are all different from one another and yet we create a Unity. Be who you are, accept all there is to you & to people around you Don’t judge. Should you encounter ‘evil’ or ‘bad’, bring Light, add Love to the situation, not judgment. Color of skin, amount of money in a bank account, sexual orientation and so on is no measure!

In October, open up the boundaries of your mind and allow fresh ideas to come in. You need not adopt it forever. Try it. Decide. CHOOSE. During the month of February, I encouraged you to ask yourself several times a day: ‘’What do I think?’ ‘. Now, please, try to think in a different way, learn new and exciting skills, read books and TRY IT OUT. If you do not like it, you’ll have a new experience & go back to your old ways – and that’s it. For example: food … it’s like tasting a dish from the plate of the person sitting next to us in a restaurant. Give it a try. If you only ate apples all your life, and never tasted an orange, how will you know what you like? Try different fruits at least once.  We don’t know whether we like something, if we do not try it. And this is true for everything in Life, not just food-wise. Come on, let’s be curious. Be adventurous.

  This month’s Soul HomeWork:

What thought you resist the most? Why? 

– Focus on issues you wish to avoid. Seek creative solution – what would you advise your friend?

– Breathe. Remember to breathe during the day.


……….. LiLi SoRuM, October 2o14


lili sorum blog horse caballo


We are so caught up in our day to day activities, many times wanting to please others, that we forget the most important thing: to like who we are ourselves. If you want ‘’them’’ to like you, you must first like yourself. You need to respect you, love you and like you, to feel at ease with yourself, and you know the best part of it? The urge to please others will automatically become less important.

If you feel good about yourself, you will begin to live with less or no prejudices towards yourself or others. Try to leave comparisons aside. Comparing yourself to others does not do you any good. Instead, just accept who you are, take care of you and respect yourself, your body and soul.

Stop thinking about what you don’t have or what you can’t do, that’s not what matters the most. Focus on what you do have and what you can do. It’s good to spend time alone with yourself. Being alone is not the same as being lonely, and as such, it shouldn’t be a cause for sadness, but quite the opposite. Know and observe yourself, learn about your strengths, your desires and dreams.

Learn about you as we learn about another person.

Put on paper the positive things you noted in your personality & appearance. Banish from your vocabulary any word that is negative towards you.


And always try to improve who you are.

Have you met you?

lili sorum

As long as we don’t know ourselves, it is difficult to estimate something as good or bad for us.

Try to make a habit out of it & ask yourself frequently: ‘Is this good for me’? And why so. We often disregard things due to our perception or to outer circumstances. ‘’it wouldn’t work anyway’’ is an excuse, not a fact. When we stand in our power & energy, we know/feel who we are & are able to choose who/what is good for us.

What to do when we are not at our best?

Get used to analyze, explore & ask ‘why’? How many times have we strived for something, a goal, and when it was achieved, we realized it was not as we imagined it to be?

We need to know ourselves in order to fully accept who we are.

Have you met YOU?

Getting to know our self can be painful and it definitely requires our attention and full dedication. Yep, it’s so much easier to deal with others and their mistakes, to compare ourselves with them – of course, it’s not comparing we do, we mostly point out that we would never ever do such a thing…

Why are we not interested in us, as much as we are in others? Have you ever wondered? Why do we read about the royal family, gossip magazines about celebrities and their dirty laundry? Why is everything so scandalous – or is it because it’s mostly what we care about? When we read a success story of someone, do we say ‘way to go’? At the same time, I wonder, does a famous person have the right to a private life, his/her own personal development & errors – they are HUMANS ya know? Do we have the right to demand perfection?

Now, talking about us:

Just having an idea is not enough.

Do you indulge it? Do you play around with it, daydream, imagine it…? Does it remain only an idea? Would it be bad to try and find the way to make it come true? There are very few things that are truly impossible. It is all about how much Faith & Trust do you have in Yourself. Do you trust you to be able to do it? If you don’t, you perceive it as impossible. Do you think with the right amount of time, dedication, knowledge (and a helping hand of God, Universe, angels, Great spirit – you name it – beings that do help us) it could be done?

So, change your mind about how capable you are. It’s possible. Now, go for it. 

And remember, patience is a virtue. If you peek underneath the surface, energy is moving. It takes time to become a tree, yet the seed is working full time.

The seeds you plant, are active full time, so chose them carefully.


………… LiLi SoRuM, September 2014

Leonard Peltier, 70 years old today

leonard peltier lili sorum

Leonard Peltier. Born on this day, 70 years ago.

An innocent man. He is more than that. He is an inspiration. A true warrior spirit.

He was falsely accused & imprisoned the year l was born, 1977. His story is a tragic one. His story is more of a burlesque. Yet, he is not bitter. The look in his eyes offers a warm depth to it. That is a man I truly admire & respect for his spirit & inner Light.

I was a child when I first heard of Leonard. Little white girl, living on the other side of the world (small country in Europe); refusing to play with dolls, collecting feathers and wanting fringe on the sleaves of my clothes … able to talk all day long about Tatanka Yotanka, Tekumzeh etc … reading all l could get my hands on about Native America since I was about 3 years old.

It was then I wanted to study law and justice so I could help. And, also, it was then I learned Law and Justice don’t go hand in hand. Since, I learned spirit is our responsibility. Our inner light, our Faith & Trust are never diminished, if not allowed by us. Life hasn’t been simple, but I had a life.


Leonard, to me you will always be a hero, a warrior and a teacher. Thank you for keeping your spirit strong, teaching us about true purpose of Life. I wish with all my heart to see the day you walk your path a free man.


LiLi SoRuM, 12th of September 2o14



On that sunny September morning The Creator has allowed it to happen. 

When things like 9/11 happen, I believe, we pause & ask: where is the justice? Where is God? How can such a thing happen … wars, floods, disease; Earthquakes … Why does God, the Creator, Great Spirit, Universe  … (choose the one that best suits you) permit these things?

Rare are those who instead of saying: ‘How could you God’,  ask: ‘God, why?’

… Allow me to ask you: What was in it for all human kind?

What was the result of events like these? What was the result of floods in Bosnia, for example?


Creator teaches us.

No doubt, many shake their heads in disagreement, arguing about the method, which is in no way educational. Really? Oh, really? Let’s be honest for a moment and see what happens when everything is in order. Bills are paid, children have a hobby, there is peace in the world = we are in our comfort zone, watching series on TV and losing connection with fellow human beings.

True, it’s easier to learn when in peace and with loving attention. Yet, the modern man today does not respect the peace & love. Most people are not grateful for a place they call home. We are ungrateful and mostly spoiled.

Therefore, thanks to the Creator for giving us those experiences, which are like slaps. Thank the Great Spirit for not giving up on us. Question to all of us is: how many slaps = experiences in the form of natural disasters, wars or other painful personal turmoil will be necessary in order for us to realize that we are one? When will we again be able to live as we once did: as a community? Selfishness, greed etc are those of the Ego. Do you believe you do enough to tame your ego and help those who are just learning how to do this? Or, is it much easier to simply blame others, point fingers & react with aggression – which is also gossip, slander, anger, etc.?

There is no need for a terrorist attack for the flow of energy to be one of ‘aggression’. Placing you above other in any way is acting out of Ego & aggressively. Everyone is responsible for themselves and the energy they emit. Are you aware of your own? Do you do your best to be pure in what you do and shine a Light to those around you?

The Creator would prefer to teach through Love. Do you allow it?


…………. LiLi SoRuM, September 11th 2o14

We need to know ourselves in order to fully accept who we are.

lili sorum

It’s time to simply be YOU.

Don’t run away, when facing something you don’t like. Wherever you go, you take You with you. Go within. You can’t hide yourself from yourself, no excuse or pretext will work (sooner or later you will have to face you). Accept yourself fully. Who has the right to judge you and tell you what is right and what is wrong? Non the less, l encourage you to be the one who ‘evaluates’ your actions, thoughts, dedication….? Do you do the best you can?


Accept yourself. What does that even mean?

Well, you/we need to know ourselves in order to fully accept who we are.

Sometimes, when we stay alone, we actually get to do just that: Face ourselves. Therefore, try not to be sad when people leave or relationships end. How many times have we diminished who we are, with the best of intentions regarding the other person? We should always take into consideration people we care for. However, there is a big difference between compromising or obeying. There is a big difference between ‘’taking into consideration’’ or submitting to. When in love, we all do crazy things. When we care for a person, we try to please her/him. It’s all good – as long as we stay true to who we are. If not, it is very common to lose the sense of our self, our essence and should that relationship end – well, it kinda feels like we vanished along with it. When we submit to other person’s needs & wishes, we might forget about our own. When we go to a restaurant, we order the food we enjoy. In life, sometimes we forger to stay focused on what we desire, our goals, needs & believes. And those change with time. As we observe people we interact with, we should also observe ourselves & changes in how we feel, what we do, what we wish for etc etc… Which brings us back to: who am I? J

Getting to know yourself means taking the time to go ‘deep down inside’, search inside your mind & heart and ask ‘’all the smart’’ questions. Be patient. The answers sometimes don’t immediately surface. There will most definitely be answers you will not like about you, your present life, people/relationships… Sometimes it takes time to realize something changed so much, it should end or face a major transformation.


Who am I? What makes me happy? When was the last time l was happy & at peace?

What is my biggest issue right now?

What/who do l miss? What is it that I miss about it?

When I wake up, how do I feel?

  • Am I sleepy, tired, wanting to go back to bed?
  • Am l jumping out of bed, full of energy?
  • Do I know what plans I have for the day, and anticipate them?
  • Do I have trouble remembering what l need to do?
  • Do l say Good morning to me? We wish Good morning to our neighbors/coworkers, why not to ourselves? Do you say ‘’Good morning honey’’, kissing your spouse?


Do you welcome the day? That tells a lot about our emotional state of being. I think we should be grateful for every day in advance. If you live where there is no war, you should be grateful.


Are you grateful? Far best way of putting this, is using the wise words of Tekumseh, grand Shawnee chief:

’When you rise in the morning,

give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength.

Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.

If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.’’
tekumzeh lili sorum shawnee

Should you find it hard or see no sense in doing so – remember, there are people dying of hunger. It is sad to see the state of the world now days.

The treasure at the end of the rainbow is you and no one else.

Know your value as a human being.

Treasure every moment, relationship & situation – yet, demand Truth, Respect & Dignity. Or walk away, if you can. The choice is always yours.


There is no Good or Bad…. There is You. And the very best (or worse) that you can do. The very best (or worst) you can be.

…………. LiLi SoRuM, September 2o14