How to cut out the crap & the Past?

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We separate from what no longer serves us.

Now, let’s take for example a pattern we carry within, which may be rooted in our childhood. How do you cut that off?

Allow me to ask you a question: are you still that helpless child? Actually, tell me: do you know of a child who feels helpless?

A child believes in himself. He believes in Life. A child perceives Life as limitless.
We were born believing everything is possible. For children there is no such thing as ‘the impossible’.
When I was a kid, I wanted to have farm animals in an apartment building. My response to my mother, who of course, was shaking her head & enjoying my fantasy imaginations as a joke, was: ‘it is not true that it’s impossible – just admit you do not want it’’. In my head, it was of course all feasible (piglets in the bathtub, a horse on the balcony, chickens & hens under the dining table – and this is only a draft of it all.)

You smiled?

Now, seriously – if we don’t believe it as possible, it will not be addressed. A child believes. A child wants to try. Yes, try the things he is interested in HIMSELF, not what parents want him to do (for example, to eat the salad). Often we don’t have the broader vision of how what we wish for would actually look like … chicken under the table probably wouldn’t make me happy, right?

A child perceives itself as almighty & Life as a limitless gift.

It’s the disappointments & bad experiences that transform us and later on in life awaken a sense of helplessness (for example, no chickens are under the dining table).

What kind of a child were you? How did your parents & surroundings behave towards you? Have you been encouraged, supported or ignored, put down? And why are you acting like you’re still that kid TODAY?

You are an adult. INDEPENDENT. Today I can have chickens under my dining table, because there is not ‘mom’ to say I can’t. So, it’s my decision and my choice.
Everything is our decision and a choice. When we decide it’s over – it’s over. However, certain changes need time to be realized. I can choose this moment to have 3 hens, but they will not materialize from the thin air – I would have to go to the farmer.

Allow me to use this feathery example: D

Recall the dreams that didn’t come true when you were a child. If you determine that the dream you had, is in fact something so important that would make you happy – that is saying  you still want this – why do not you do something about it?  Or do you?

Our parents did the best they could. There is no mother on this world, who said: ‘’oh, I’m gonna totally suppress my kid, for the fun of it’’. A child can perceive certain educational measures as oppression, but believe me that our parents believed it to be the best for us. Today you are not a child. Why are you acting like that same mom with a belt in her hands is standing over you?

And then the most common answer: ‘it is difficult.’
So what !!

Is a life full of restrictions easy?? Is holding on to the fear, unaddressed longing, pain, memories and wounds easy? Please be aware those all is a decision we make. Memory is a thought that rotates in our mind. I’m not particularly inclined to reminisce chemistry lessons or visits to the dentist … and yes, it is mush alike those memories we harbor. You choose what you think and what you do about it.

Where do you channel your energy and why? Where does your focus lie?
When you become aware of a memory or a thought – ask yourself: is it welcomed? No? In that case, simply say: ‘’Dear thought, nice of you to drop by (again), I hope you’re well. Now, I want to wave goodbye to you and wish you a happy journey.’’ Then force yourself to think something else. Read a book, if nothing else works.

YOU and only You are the master of your Life.


With Love, MiTaKuYe oYaSiN

LiLi SoRuM